Patrick Review

Patrick develops each step of the way to create an oddly enjoyable experience. The debut feature film by Peaky Blinders director Tim Mielants It's a bizarre but successful blend of zero-degree humor as well as a controlled, filmmaking aesthetic and a touching metaphor for grief , and many moving members. It's a bit of an acquired preference — some may be a bit slow however, if you manage to move into its rhythm it's an original, memorable delight.


The character in question is the son of thirtysomething Rudy (Josse De Pauw) who is the proprietor of a camp that is a nudist one in the forest within the Ardennes region. If Rudy abruptly abandons the camp, Patrick is sent into an emotional tailspin, not because of the loss of his father, but rather because the hammer he loves is missing from its place. It appears that the story seems like a detective tale when Patrick is searching for the missing tool, but is actually an obvious and powerful illustration of grieving the death of a beloved one. Mielants uncovering the nifty meaning of the man who is naked physically, but not emotionally.

In the background of the hammer hunt, are the inner political machinations of a nudist community, the affair of Patrick to the spouse of a camper Big-wig (Ariane Van Vliet) and an Jemaine Clement appearance playing rock diva Dustin and a low-key appearance by his lover (Hannah Hoekstra) who is attracted to Patrick and his enclave, a bit of zero-degree comedy gorgeous cinematography and a symphonic flugelhorn score that creates a sad and emotional layer. But the film is kept together by the quiet Janssens as Patrick who bravely wears the worst haircut in cinema history with a low-energy appearance that will make you feel awed by the most insignificant romantic mysterious. It's a lot of entertainment.


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